Beginning of My Huntsman Journey

I shall begin writing this blog post with a little bit of a background story about myself. I started playing World of Warcraft during vanilla as a Paladin healing 40 man raid content until early Burning Crusade, that was when I took a break from the game. Started playing back again during early Wrath of the Lich King Expansion as a Warlock and then decided to play a Warrior to pursue and finally obtained the legendary axe Shadowmourne. I enjoyed the end game raiding during that time as well as competitive arena. When Cataclysm was lauched, I started to level and play a rogue where I managed to get pairs of Legendary Daggers Golad, Twilight of Aspects and Tiriosh, Nightmare of Ages. This time around, I just started leveling and decided to play a hunter in World of Warcraft about 3 months back which is during the very end of Cataclysm expansion. Playing a hunter gave me a whole new experience of the game, I have never had experience or knew anything about taming rare pets before. I was lucky enough to get a Spirit Beast right before Mist of Pandaria started, which had made me very excited to play this class.

Below are my World of Warcraft characters that I used to play in end game content:

Savagesoul - Warrior
Highwarden - Hunter
Gamona - Rogue
Feralhowl - Druid
Rivendare - Death Knight
Felflame - Warlock

Doing Isle of Conquest, Spot that glowing tiger? It's a monk ability called Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger

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