I was sitting outside of Ogrimmar with a guildy one day, watching people dueling and trying out new abilities and talents. When suddenly, a hunter requested to duel me and from there I noticed that he has a shiny blue pet with cool crackling sound and electrical animation on it. My first impression was "Wow!". So, I asked him, "What's your pet and where'd you get it from?" He said "That's
Skoll and he's pretty rare". At that point, I really wanted to tame one. Without having any experience in taming rare creatures, I started to do some research on the web. I downloaded the vital addons such as
NPC Scan (which alerts you when rare spawns are nearby) and
NPC Scan Overlay (indicates the locations of spawn creatures on your map) that worked greatly in my quest to tame the rare creature.
My first experience, I setup my camp at the north spawn point which is one of the location that Skoll might spawn. I decided to go for break and grab some snacks downstairs. When I get back to my sit, I saw my screen was Flashing and there's a rare creature that just spawned while I was having my break. It was
Time-Loss Proto Drake that had just spawn, I quickly started searching for the Drake around the map it was no where to be found. I decided to fly south and keep spamming on the TLDP target icon hoping to find the rare mount. After flying far enough, I spotted him lying down at the edge of a mountain cliff. There, was a warrior who managed to slay the dragon and claim the prize. I think I was just a few minutes late. I didn't feel disappointed because my main reason to be there was for Skoll, not the drake.
When you are hunting for Skoll, you might end up seeing TLDP |
I continued my quest to hunt for Skoll a few days later, flying from one node to node hoping for it to spawn. I was queing for Twin Peaks battleground and trying to finish up the achievement for Twin Peaks and farming some honor points for the next PVP season 12. Right after finishing the second Twin Peaks of the day, I flew low towards the south, then suddenly, a blue NPC appeared in front of me, he was non hostile and my NPC scanner did not alert me (this might be due to cache has not been cleared), the first thing came into my mind was "Is he really Skoll?". I quickly dismounted and continue to dismissed my pet so I can begin taming him. My heart almost stopped and finally I got my first ever Spirit Beast Skoll. It was a great day for me.
My first ever Spirit Beast Skoll |
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