King Krush is a rare green coloured Devilsaur that roams at the three main locations in Sholazar Basin as shown in the map below. The small area in the middle of The Glimmering Pillar is probably the best spot if you're planning to camp for him to spawn. Look for a big rhino called
Faruun and you should just wait nearby the area in stealth. He's part of the
Frostbitten achievement, so flying around patrolling the entire map is not really advisable as someone might have spotted him and hunted him down already. Clear your NPC Scan cache and you can follow the
guide here to prevent auto logout while camping.
King Krush appears in the middle of the map where Faruun starts patrolling |
King Krush is a on a 6-8 hours respawn timer and does not share respawn times with other rares in the area which are Loque'nahak and Aotana. Devilsaurs provide 5% increase critical chance and Monstrous Bite that reduces healing by 25% and having a rare one in your beast arsenal is just great. I personally like hunting at
Sholazar Basin because of the jungle environment and ambient sound making you feel more into hunting creatures. Not to mention, due to server merges, I pretty much enjoy the open world PVP there as well. If you haven't been here since then, I would recommend you to come and visit this hunting ground. Happy hunting!
Map Location for the best spot to hunt for King Krush |
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