I have a friend named Cath who used to be in the world's number one guild Nihilum back in the day. He was the first in the world to get Warglaives of Azzinoth for the record. When I was trying to convince him that a lot of things have changed in the new expansion, he said "I've reached my prime back in 2008, like pretty much achieved anything possible... it's not gonna happen again". I was thinking maybe, he's just trolling cause that's what he likes to do usually. The picture below is showing his Shaman character Aniz which he had participated in a live raid session to kill
Kil'Jaeden during Blizzcon 2008.
Moment of Glory for Cath on his Shaman attempting Kil'jaedin at Blizzcon 2008 |
Guess what, early today someone posted a screenshot that he's back online.
He's back in Mist of Pandaria now |
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