Sha of Anger, World Bosses are Back!

My hunter was one level away from level 90, I was questing and wandering around in Kun Lai Summit when suddenly an angry voice can be heard "Feed me with your anger!". I scouted the area and found a huge World boss, Sha of Anger. Then, I quickly tried to form a group by promoting "LFM Sha of Anger" in the general chat and managed to fill the entire raid with random players in just minutes. We happened to have a very geared Blood Death Knight to tank the huge world boss. I called for the pull, and we started to nuke the boss hard. Everybody was taking massive damage towards the end of the fight where we almost got overrun by adds that spawn around him.

Formed a 40 man raid to slay Sha of Anger
It took us around 20 minutes to actually down him with a full 40 man raid and upon his demise each of us received either Epic Tier 14 gear as well as PVP season 12 gear or an epic box called Cache of Sha-Touched Gold in our bags. We do not have to roll on anything this time around. The box will only contain 28 gold though. Pretty much like the previous Vault of Archavon and Baradin Hold, it's just that Blizzard made it more epic. If you're out of luck to get an epic piece you can loot a quest item from the boss Claw of Anger which will guarantee a 476 item level epic upon handing in the quest.

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